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The Baltimore-D.C. Building Trades is committed to embracing change and innovation that results in measurable value that is easily perceived by industry, government, and community leaders.


Through sustained and collaborative efforts with industry, government, and community leaders – and which are centered upon pre-apprenticeship programs, apprenticeship programs, and the "Helmets to Hardhats" program – the Baltimore-D.C. Building Trades brand is all about a collective effort to move the needle of industry and social change further in the direction of greater employment opportunity and economic advancement: continuing to allow construction to be a viable family-sustaining career. 




Through the marshaling of our career training resources, our political resources, and our capital financing resources, we are seeking to create the type of fundamental synergy needed to create and foster more employment and career training opportunities in the Baltimore/Washington, DC construction market for many historically neglected communities - specifically women, minorities, and military veterans.


At the Baltimore-D.C. Building Trades, we are about cooperation, not conflict; problem-solving, not problem-making; collaboration, not division; and inclusion… not exclusion.


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